Freitag, 3. März 2017

Web threema

Web threema

The installation process for this is similarly straightforward and decentralized simply scan the QR code on the web browser to synchronize the app to your mobile account. Learn more about the current Threema versions changes and improvements: Whats new. Threema can be used completely anonymously, and offers a rich set of features.

Threema Web is a web client for Threema, a privacy-focussed end-to-end encrypted mobile messenger hosted and developed in Switzerland. Threema Work is the chat app for companies and organizations that care about data privacy and security. Threema Web establishes a connection between Desktop and mobile device using.

Während Threema Web aktiv ist, kann der Batterieverbrauch zunehmen.

The company is fully funded by its app sales and by corporate customers subscriptions. Thanks to the solid business model, Threema is not dependent on any investors. The WebRTC signaling is also implemented with end-to-end encryption using the SaltyRTC protocol.

In addition to the standard WebRTC channel encryption, all packets are end-to-end encrypted using NaCl.

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We are only committed to our users. With Threema Web, you can use Threema on your Desktop without compromising security. Hint: To avoid having to scan the QR code each time you use Threema Web, you can set a session password in the browser before scanning. Download Threema-App Threema is available for download in the following app stores.

Threema is ad-free, and it will always stay that way. Threema Web is the app designed for desktop use. Sie können die Funktion aber jederzeit ein- oder ausschalten.

Threemas servers are located in Zürich, Switzerlan a country known as a data privacy haven. Use your mobile device to scan the QR code displayed on. The Threema web client communicates directly with the Threema app over WebRTC data channels.

Threema is the worlds favorite secure messenger and keeps your data out of the hands of hackers, corporations and governments.

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