Montag, 15. August 2016

Kientalerhof cranio

Kientalerhof cranio

Kientalerhof - We touch life Ein Ort der Ruhe. Training and education center, guest house, treatment center, seminar house rental. Ob Tanz oder Musik, Firmensitzung oder Schulung, Yoga oder Meditation mieten Sie den ganzen Kientalerhof oder einzelne Shiatsu, Cranio, Rebalancing Ayurveda - und Kurse Qi-Gong. Music for People was founded in 19by the Cellist David Darling and the flautist Bonnie Insull.

Cranio KT-Level und CranioSuisse-Level The in-service training is conform with the guidelines of EMR and ASCA and is recognized by the Swiss Association for Craniosacral Therapy (CranioSuisse). Der Cranio-Lehrgang am Kientalerhof ist seit dem 1.

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Die Craniosacral Therapie Ausbildung kann sowohl im Kiental wie auch in Wetzikon absolviert werden. That means that the educations we offer are held according to the prerequisits and quality standards needed for the federal diploma as a complementary therapist and that they can be completed with the official certificate for this branch. Kientalerhof as well as some other schools belongs to the few first institutes in Switzerland that have achieved accreditation.

Since 19the non-profit organisation Music for People has been organising and coordinating workshops and music improvisation events at Kientalerhof for people who want to develop and share free music making and singing. Aus- und Fortbildungszentrum, Gästehaus, Behandlungszentrum, Vermietung Seminarhaus. Since May 1st 201 it has been accredited by the OdA-KT (Organization of the Working World of Complementary Therapy) and meets the requirements and quality standards for the Swiss Federal graduation.

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