Unsere sauren MINI HITSCHIES sind so fruchtig und so. The new recipe and the addition of fruit juice make them even softer and even yummier. As one of the best-quality fruit sweets in Germany, these laces have been a hit with confectionery fans of all ages for over years. The new formula and the addition of fruit juice makes it even softer and more delicious. Product information Hitschler Saure Party Schnüre - Sour Party Laces 210g In addition to the sweet, fruity flavour, we have also added a sour, sugary kick.
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Our new sour MINI HITSCHIES with a taste of green apple are so fruity and so yummy that you dont want to stop. Klein und fein: Für jedes unserer MINI HITSCHIES garantieren wir den extra lang anhaltenden Kaugenuss durch unser traditionelles Herstellungsverfahren. Small and fine: For every one of the MINI HITSCHIES our traditional manufacturing process guarantees extra-long chewing enjoyment. Product information Hitschler Mini Hitschies - Sour Candy Mix 165g Marvellously sour on the outside, and a sweet core on the inside. Hitschler minis sauer chewy sticks sour (165g) The outside is wonderfully sour and inside with a sweet core.
Marvellously sour on the outside, and a sweet core on the inside. The new recipe and the addition of fruit juice make them even softer and even all and fine: For every one of the MINI HITSCHIES our traditional manufacturing process guarantees extra-long chewing pleasure.
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Unsere neuen sauren MINI HITSCHIES mit grünem Apfel. mini Hitschies sour Mix Marvellously sour on the outside, and a sweet core on the inside. Hitschler mini Hitschies Kaubonbon Mix sauer, (x 1g) Hitschler Bunte Drachenzungen 125g. Die neue Rezeptur und die Zugabe von Fruchtsaft macht sie noch weicher und leckerer. Außen herrlich sauer und innen mit süßem Kern - so kennen und lieben wir die sauren mini HITSCHIES.
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