Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015

Viber chat

Viber chat

Hidden Chats on desktop or tablet. Viber team members from around the globe chatting it out and sharing good vibes. For any other issue please open a ticket here.

This will create a new chat that runs separately to your existing, non-secret chat. Start a secret chat from any existing 1-on-chat. Hidden chats are not available on Viber on desktop or tablet.

Why is Viber the best messaging app for you?

If you have hidden a chat from your smart, the chat and its history will not be available on your desktop or tablet. Live chat is for activation issues only. Public Accounts connect you to the brands, businesses and public figures that you care about. Viber is a free messaging and calling app that allows people to connect with friends and family - no matter who they are or where they.

If you unhide a chat, it won t reappear on your desktop chats. Secret chats in the chat screen Secret chat notifications Screenshots. You can t make an existing group chat into a secret chat, but you can start a new group secret chat. Viber is the FREE, simple, fast and most secure messaging and calling app.

Please note: restoring your messages takes time and data.
This means that: You can t hide a chat from desktop or tablet. The messenger of choice for over billion users worldwide. Viber will always offer you the option to delay restoring your messages until you are on Wi-Fi. Make free international calls, send text messages, open a group chat, and so much more.

Text now for free and make high-quality crystal-clear calls. All you need is a data plan or Wi-Fi connection and youre good to go. Download Viber today to connect with people, no matter who they are, or where they are from.

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